Hello readers, this is a picture of me, my sister Athena, and Daisy our dog with Santa.
My sister and I got some awesome presents this year. I got this awesome jewelery cabinet, and lots of jewelery! I love it!

This is me and my sister opening all the jewelery.

I got lots of bracelets, necklaces and
I got slipper-boots too and they are so
I got Hello Kitty earrings, star earrings, butterfly earrings, panda earrings,and monkey guitar ones too, I love wearing earrings!

My sister Athena always wanted the Strawberry Shortcake Cafe, and she got it, and trust me, she likes it.

I also got The Velveteen Rabbit from my aunt.

And this is my crazy uncle Richard.
He's the best uncle ever!

I got a cd by Miley Cyrus and it has my favorite song, Party In The U.S.A., and some new songs I like.

Athena and I got some more barbie clothes which we love.

And then I got, um, I can't remember what was in this bag.
Oh, I think it's my new blue shirt from Justice.

Athena also got lots of other things she really wanted. G-FORCE!
We watch it all the time. Plus she got a Dora movie.

Then I got this awesome beadweaving set.

Some more barbie clothes.