West Highland White Terriers, commonly known as Westies, are a breed of dog known for their distinctive white coat. Originating in Scotland, the breed was used to seek and dig out foxes and badgers. Commonly, Westies have bright, deep-set eyes that are dark in color. Their ears are small, pointed, and erect. A male typically weighs between 15 and 20 pounds and a female between 13 and 16 pounds. Westies are prone to allergies and dry skin problems, and bathing too frequently may aggravate these problems. Washing once a month or on a longer interval will generally not cause problems. However, frequent brushings are needed to keep the coat clean and oils evenly distributed throughout the coat. As with most other dogs, westies generally require around thirteen hours of sleep per day. In order to accrue their needed sleep, westies will usually follow the sleep patterns of their human companions and also take several naps during the day. The average lifespan of a Westie can range from 12 to 17 years.