A couple of weeks ago we went up to the Blue Ridge Scenic Railway. It was the first time I had ever gone on an actual real train!!! It was really long and we sat in the open car where there was no windows so we could see better, but later it rained so we had to go in a different car.

Before we went on the train we got our ticket and then went to a little bakery. My sister and I got chocolate milk and my dad got a little
piece of cake.

Also my sister found this game, she didn't know how to play it so she just made up her own rules and played with my mom. She had a bunch of fun.

There was an old time safe where people would put money in. It didn't have money in it of course but it had an old time coffee grinder in it.

This is a picture of the train we were on, and trust me, they are HUGE and NOISY up close, and when we got on, right before we left, dad walked us through the train. It had a very nice car with shades that you could pull down to take a nap. Also there was one with tables so you could eat, oh, and there was a fast food one with pretzels
and other snacks, and then there was the engine, we couldn't go in it, but whatever. When the train has to go back the way it came, it doesn't turn around, it
just uses the engine on the other end-the end becomes the front!

When we were riding on the train, we tried to take a picture of the front of the train but it was hard because we where going too fast. Now, I hate to say this but, we all saw a a naked man either peeing or hugging a tree! Thankfully we only saw it for a second but it was TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!

We also saw little farms everywhere. It was awesome to see all the sights, there were
breezes, people to talk to, and mom gave us a few
pieces of candy!

We saw many BEAUTIFUL rivers and lakes, sometimes we even saw ducks! My mom
and dad saw a BEAVER, but I missed it!

It felt so nice to see all kinds of things, I
definitely want to go back there sometime.

Did I mention that the trains is supposed to bring you to
McCaysville, GA/
CopperHill, TN? It was awesome! We went to a
Mexican restaurant that was delicious!!! Also there was a ton of little shops and stores.

This is the
Mexican restaurant I was talking about, it was in TN

This is me standing in both TN and GA at once!

This shop is where I got fudge that I still didn't finish but is so good, I think
I'll eat the rest today, and I got the cutest
webkinz with my birthday money! It's a
Cherryblossom bird! It is so cute!!! In the store there were bear footprints on the floor that my sister followed.

BTW, I would like to thank my mom and dad for taking me on this trip,
I really enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)